Writing of the week
Finally we get to the most interesting part, don't we? I am sure that most of you were expecting this at the beginning of the talk, but unfortunately, it has not been, and I am very sorry, but I thought it was essential to explain where all this comes from before getting into the process.
Maybe in other scenarios I would have gone more to the point, but I don't want to give just any talk, I want to give you everything I know about the subject synthesized in this short time we have together, and I thank you for being here listening to me.
The Design Thinking process can be of a dual nature, depending on the context, of course; it can be linear, cascading, one process after another, until the end, or cyclical, that is, iterative, where a phase once completed, takes us back to the beginning, to the middle of the process or even to the end. We could even talk about more complex processes such as Dual or Tri Tracks, where the same phase or several phases are carried out in parallel, but that is another story.

What they all share, because of how Design Thinking works, are the Feedback Loops, constant cycles of feedback in each phase before the delivery of each one of them.
- If the feedback is positive, the artifact moves on to the next phase.
- If the feedback is negative or does not meet the acceptance criteria, it does not pass to the next phase.
This feedback should come from all team members, not just one person. It is very important to be critical and think, is this feedback valuable? If the answer is Yes, implement these corrections; if after being self-critical and seeing that there are no arguments, ask others in an assertive way.
Well, let's look at the non-sequential process of the d.school Bootcamp Bootleg 2010 in the next issue.
Articles & Ideas
Designing search for your product
In our digital experience, we’ve all interacted with the feature Search. We probably interact with it every day, on different surfaces, devices and applications. Search has made our lives easier countless number of times and it still has a long way to go. Shashank Sahay
Always Sort Product Lists by Diversity-Based “Relevance” (24% Don’t)
When browsing for products, users quickly judge whether a category is likely to have what they’re looking for based on the first few products in the list. Kathryn Totz
The Psychology of Clubhouse's User Retention (...and churn)
These days, working from home all the time can... hard... But underneath this lifestyle change... is an opportunity for products to entertain us. growth.design
PM and UX Have Markedly Different Views of Their Job Responsibilities
A survey of people in user experience and product management shows that these professionals disagree on who should be responsible for many key tasks, like doing discoveries and early design. Kara Pernice and Raluca Budiu
How to give a great product design portfolio presentation
The portfolio presentation is the most important part of a product design interview loop. It’s the right time to demonstrate that you can Do The Work. Brian Lovin
How to Create Personas Without Losing the Person-ness
There’s nothing like discovering you’ve been a snob about something that's actually pretty great. I’m referring to audience personas (also known as audience archetypes) — which, up until a year ago, I greatly enjoyed looking down upon. Elyse Kamibayashi
10 MORE Figma Tricks I Wish I Knew Earlier
More Figma hacks you might not know yet. After writing 10 Figma Tricks I Wish I Knew Earlier, and receiving such awesome feedback, I decided to take it a step further and share more ways that I’ve been using Figma and Figma plugins to design at warp speed. Danny Sapio
Root Illustrations
Stylish & customizable set of illustrations to bring beauty and a friendly tone to your product.
The best work starts with the right project estimation. Dowork.ai is built for outsourcing businesses and agencies to help them provide accurate project estimates for both internal and external use.
Open color
Open color is an open-source color scheme. Optimized for UI like font, background, border, etc.
Illustrations for Everyone. A growing collection of free, hand-drawn illustrations brought to you by a global community of aspiring creatives. You can use our free illustrations for any purpose, without attribution.
Discover the very best Notion templates, products, and more.
All-in-one browser extension for web development. Hoverify is a suite of tools to enhance your web development experience and boost your productivity.
Remote Jobs
All remote jobs links have been removed, as the positions were fulfilled.